Thank you very much John for your info.
I'll try on this way, but i found strange that on UBUNTU 6.06 the internet connection
with Hardware modem is easy an with last release so trouble.
I could let you know.

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:54:51 -0500 (EST)
"John Harrison, NI1B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Hi Cominelli,
> I have made my internet connection into two steps with
>two computers. I
> have one computer that "connects" to the internet VIA
>whatever means. This
> can be an older one running whatever old distribution
> On this older computer, I make a bridge between this
> connection and my local 10baseT/10base2 ethernet bridge
>hookup. Usually I
> have to enable "masquerade", DHCP and perhaps some other
>bridge associated
> features to get this working. Getting things running is
>pretty easy with
> the tools built into most linux distributions.
> At this point I will have "internet" on my local
> network. I have found that virtually "ALL" linux
>distributions will find
> whatever ethernet card is present and connect VIA dhcp
>to my local network
> and thence onto the internet. Mostly I use NE2000 type
>ISA ethernet cards
> since the "just work". If the given computer doesn't
>have any ISA slots, I
> use any cheap PCI ethernet card.
> Recently on hard drives, I have taken creating a large
>(half of the
> hard drive) "user" partition as hda2 and then installing
>lots of different
> distributions on many other smaller distributions. I
>mount this user
> partition into the filesystem of whichever distribution
>I am currently
> running.
> One such drive has Knoppix 3.6, Vector, Ubuntu,
>Knoppix 5.0.1-CD,
> Knoppix 5.0.1-DVD(in a 15 GB partition!) and several
>versions of Damn
> Small Linux. I usually put either Knoppix 3.6 or DSL
>0.8.3 on hda1 and us
> it to create the LILO loader that allows me to start
> distribution I happen to find convenient to use. IMHO
>Knoppix 5.1.1-DVD is
> the most impressive distribution out there. It's 4+GB
> However, everything is already installed and just works.
>But you need to
> install it into a 20GB partition!
> 2 computers is not as simple as a single computer but
>it "just works"!!
> I happen to have several neighbors with "open"
>wireless 802.11b/g. As a
> result I often get almost 5 megabits/second onto the
>internet!!! Pretty
> amazing and also the price is right!!
> I hope the above helps :).
> warm regards,
> john
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Cominelli Franco wrote:
>> Hello Leif and all,
>> during last week end, i have installed UBUNTU 6.10,
>>right some days after some test with
>> UBUNTU 6.06.
>> Now, the main problem for me is to install my network
>>(internet connection), using my Dialup
>> 56 k modem. Unfortunately in my town,the ADSL is
>>possible only via WIFI and i'm making some
>> consideration, regarding costs and so on.
>> At the moment the only way to update my UBUNTU 6.10, is
>>the 56 k modem.
>> I don't know why, because with previous version (6.06)
>>the network setting wasn't so trouble
>> and i made a good connection with it, easily.
>> Now after 2 or 3 days of tests, reading on forums and so
>>on, sending on "TERMINAL" some command,
>> the modem starts, but it not connect.
>> I have test also some modifies on the .conf file, like
>>ATX3, but i still without connection.
>> I'm quite sure that on this reflector, there is someone
>>that could help me,resolving this
>> stupid problem, while i need to connect whit this
>>preistorical way.
>> My modem is an external 56 K US ROBOTICS.
>> Untill the solution of this problem, i could not to
>>proceed whit new LINRAD installation,
>> under OSS.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Francesco,IK2DDR
>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>> Da: Linrad mailinglist
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto di
>> Leif Asbrink
>> Inviato: martedì 23 gennaio 2007 19.07
>> A: Linrad mailinglist
>> Oggetto: [linrad] Re: Linrad-02.22
>> Hello Francesco,
>> > about Linrad-02.22, for example, i'm not able to run
>>with it (as i do with 2.20 and 2.21) the
>> > recorded files (like FRH0135 for example and
>>others)because when i push the "A" key it crash.
>> > This is a minus problem.
>> OK. I can reproduce it now:-)
>> I always have a second file name on the line to have
>> parameters for each recording. This will be an easy fix
>> but since I leave in less than 24 hours I can not fix it
>> immediately....
>> > The main problem on my new UBUNTU installation (with
>>ALSA)is that i'm not able to obtain the
>> > filter calibration, although i have copied into the
>>LINRAD folder the "DSP***" files, that i'm
>> > using on Mandrake installation.
>> You must use the same settings for the soundcard.
>> Same number of channels, same sampling speed and
>> mode (I/Q or real-valued data) Compare the par_userint
>> files to see what differs between your two
>> 73
>> Leif / SM5BSZ
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