Hello all,

This version has two bug corrections.
These errors are fixed:
1) During the setup for using SDR-14 the soundcard
   A/D input was opened. This would sometimes lead 
   to an error exit.
2) When a very narrow baseband filter was selected
   the associated time for Morse waveforms could become
   longer than the storage time for the baseband waveform.
   Particularly if the user had set the minimum value
   for this parameter. On my system I could only see
   the screen freeze but segfaults have been reported.

There are code simplifications in the noise blanker
and at a few other places, but nothing that the user
should notice except perhaps for smoother operation
of the speech-processor simulation in the tx setup menu.

Bug reports are welcome. As far as I know all reported
bugs are corrected so if you find an old bug, please 
report it again.


  Leif / SM5BSZ

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