Thanks very much again, Sir Leif!

You have corrected the audio problem with 2.22 - 2.24 before I managed
to make a comment about it. Actually I had no speakers attached, but I
got an OVERRUN indication after a while, and a CPU use of near 98%.
Then I noticed that you had removed the above wlr-2.2x versions ....

wlr-2.25 runs fine; however I see a "1.#J" display in the Floor level after
pressing the Amplitude Margins (A) button while wlr is up and running.

During Summer_Es I will do some real-life 50 MHz tests again.

                        73, "Zaba"  OH1ZAA/2

At 01:31 12.3.2007, SM5BSZ wrote:

Hi All,

There are new versions for linrad and watzo available
for download now.

The network should work both under Linux and Windows
98, 2000 and XP. It would be fun to know whether it works
under Vista as well....

This time I have verified operation under old and new
Linux as well as under all the Windows versions that I
have access to and I made various fixes to ensure
both Linrad and watzo run under all the different
operating systems.

I hope all the problems I introduced by the change
to a multi-threaded structure are fixed by now.
Please report any bugs - also old ones in case you
find them. (I am not aware of any remaining ones.)

I would appreciate if as many as possible of the
Linrad users would check Linrad-02.25 for bugs,
errors and inconveniences extra carefully. I
would like to finish the computer oriented


  Leif / SM5BSZ

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