Hello Alberto,

On CPU load:
> I don't know of any DLL tha can do that, but I can 
> offer you the code I use in Winrad for that purpose.
> // prepare to support GetSystemTimes
>      hKernel = LoadLibrary( _T("Kernel32.dll") );
Looks like using a dll;-)

>     res =  GSTaddr(&idle, &kern, &usr);
>     res &= GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), (FILETIME*)&crea,
>                           (FILETIME*)&exit, (FILETIME*)&pkern, 
> (FILETIME*)&puser);
On my old laptop this works fine:-) 
It is a Pentium 4.

On the new one the code does not give the correct result:-(
The new one has a dual core centrino and the result I get
is 50% of the load indicated by the system monitor.

I find it a bit peculiar that the elapsed time (kern+usr)
runs four times faster than the system clock.... 

One solution could be to compare the system clock 
with kern+user or use sqrt((kern+user)*system_clock)
as the reference time to which pkern+puser is related.
In case the problem is a bug in Kernel32.dll Microsoft
might correct it and then a fix inside Linrad would
become incorrect.

Is there a way to find out how many cores there are
in the system? Then I could use the system clock times
the number of cores to get the amount of total CPU
time available.

The computer is only a few months old and I have made
all the updates that were available at Microsoft Update.

Any idea?


Leif / SM5BSZ


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