Hi All,

Linrad-02.27 does not differ much from 02-26 but
some changes in Makefile(.in) now make it possible
to use the source code package under Microsoft Windows.

Two programs have to be installed, mingw32 and nasm.
Then the Makefile of the linrad package will run
under Windows. Everything is available at Linrad Home:

These are the instructions:
To compile linrad.exe from source code under Windows, make a directory 
C:\linrad and unpack the contents of lirxx-xx.zip into it. Download MinGW (Free 
software under the terms of the GNU General Public License). MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe 
is contained in this zip file: mingw.zip (15156728 bytes) Unpack and run the 
mingw.exe file to install MinGW on your computer. Allow it to install at the 
default location C:\MinGW Download nasm from http://nasm.sourceforge.net or get 
nasm.exe from here: nasm.zip (186137 bytes) Unpack and copy nasm.exe to the 
folder C:\MinGW\bin. Finally log into the C:directory and give this command: 
C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make winlinrad


Leif / SM5BSZ

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