Hello Daniel,

Thanks for info:-)

I am now able to reproduce similar results - but I
have no idea at the moment what they mean.

I am looking at CPU load with and without sound output.
Under Suse 9.1 I observe the following:
                         Linrad-02.21   Linrad-02.28 
PIV 2.66 GHz, Sound ON        8.3%            7.8%
PIV 2.66 GHz, Sound OFF       4.3%            3.9%
PIII 800 MHz, Sound ON        24%             28%
PIII 800 MHz, Sound OFF       15%             17%
It is similar with svgalib, the X11 server is innocent ;-)

I have tried Red Hat 9 (kernel 2.4.20) on the Pentium III 
and I find 20% with sound on and 12% with sound OFF. It 
does not matter whether I try 02-21 or 02-28.

I will try some other Linux distributions on the 
PentiumIII to see if something interesting can be 


Leif / SM5BSZ

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