MAP65 Status

I have now established the necessary network connection between Linrad and MAP65. So far, I have found nothing to prevent a happy marriage!

MAP65 receives a full 90 kHz of xpol signal from Linrad, finds all the JT65 signals in that bandwidth, matches the linear polarization angle of each one, decodes the messages, and provides the operator with a "band map" showing callsigns, operating frequencies, polarization angles, and message contents over the past 15 minutes or so. The program provides a full-width waterfall display and another one "zoomed in" on the frequency of the station currently being worked.

Questions about Linrad's TIMF2 Multicast Data

Header information accompanying Linrad's multicast TIMF2 data includes two single-byte parameters, "userx_no" and "passband_direction", about which I have questions. I understand that userx_no should correspond to the number of RF channels, with negative sign indicating floating format. I would have expected the value -4 for my system using xpol antennas and the WSE converters (I and Q for each of two polarizations), but in fact I see -2. Is this as it should be?

Similarly, I would have expected passband_direction=1 as I have no LO's on the high side and the spectrum is not inverted. However, Linrad sends passband_direction=-1. Is this correct?

Linrad FFT Versions

I have been using FFT Version 0 for the first forward, first backward, and second forward FFTs. This produces floating-point TIMF2 data on the multicast network.

To save on memory usage in MAP65 it may be desirable to use 16-bit data for TIMF2. I have effected this by setting first forward FFT to version 5, first backward FFT to version 1, and second forward FFT to version 2. Are these good choices? Is there any downside to their use that I might not have thought about? Also, with these settings I notice that the signal in the high resolution graph (red dB lines) is higher than it was with FFT versions 0. Should I adjust some other parameter to bring this level down be several dB?

MAP65 with Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Winrad, SDRxxx ... ?

Like WSJT, MAP65 runs on both Windows and Linux. (It should also run on FreeBSD and Macintosh, but I can't test those here.) In my station I will probably run Linrad under Linux and MAP65 on Windows, on a second computer.

In response to questions I have been getting: MAP65 could run with Winrad or with various SDR's if their software is modified to provide the necessary multicasting capability. In itself, this would not be too difficult.

However, one of the most important MAP65 features is its automatic Rx-polarization-matching capability. That requires a receiver with full xpol processing, which (as far as I know) is not now provided by Winrad, SDR-1000, SDR-14, or SDR-IQ.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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