Hi Leif,

The combination works OK, and but a significant number of packets (around 400 in each minute, or slightly more than 1% of the data) are dropped during MAP65's most compute-intensive parts of each minute. Since plrs does no significant computing, I imagine that the problem may be worse when running Linrad + MAP65.

It could also be the other way around.....

Indeed, it could. In that case I will be surprised, but it will hardly be the first time I have been similarly surprised.

It may be necessary to add a call to Sleep(0) under Windows
or to sched_yield() under Linux at regular intervals in all
routines that might lock up the CPU for a too long time.

Those calls are effected by lir_sched_yield() in the OS independent
code of Linrad and I found it necessary to place about 45 such
calls within Linrad.

Hmmm, I may have trouble doing the equivalent. For example, MAP65 does some very long FFTs using tthe FFFTW3 library. I can't very well put calls to relinquish CPU control inside these tasks. On the other hand, there is a "threads" version of FFTW3, which might be what's needed.

Right now such issues are not a top priority, though.

        -- Joe, K1JT

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