Linrad is actually a quite remarkable system regarding gain control as it seems
to be able to cope with most situations without need to change the hardware
configuration either with attenuators or any AGC-action. At least in my private
50 MHz experiments with a simple I/Q-direct receiver I have never come across
a signal level situation where any change in the basic gain layout was needed.

Just in case more dynamic range is needed in Linrad hardware or other I/Q-systems I would like to point to a new product by National Semiconductor that will allow a precise adjustment in gain in two or more channels, if needed. The LMP 8100 allows 24 dB gain regulation with 0.03% precision. Close gain tracking between channels is beneficial in (multiple) I/Q-systems as there will be no need for re-calibration when jumping between gain settings. Its noise performance is very similar to fixed gain
amplifiers and its slew rate is excellent with a 33 MHz unity gain bandwidth.   (with a link to .PDF-specs)

It is good to see the new development on the Linrad transmit side with lir02-36.

                                        73, "Zaba"  OH1ZAA

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