I've been experimenting with the Linrad Network. All seems well using options 4, 5, 6, or 7, but when I turn on option 8 (Send timf2) or option 9 (send fft2 transforms) the AFC graph and S meter graphs become very slow and jerky and the main spectrum and high resolution graphs seem to slow down some. If I try to "X" out, the screen freezes and I have to close the window and restart Linrad. CPU utilization is low, so I'm wondering if something is causing a conflict in the network processing thread for options 8 and 9? I'm using WinXP on a P4 with 1.5G RAM and Linrad 2.35. Consistent results on my laptop as well. I haven't checked how it behaves under Linux yet, but I have a hunch it's the same.

I'd like to get option 8 working well since it's used for MAP65   :-)  .

Anyone have any ideas?

joe n6kk

PS. I have Linrad and MAP65 working on the same computer and happily decoding a stored "S" file. The SDR1000/transverter/2x5WL/1500w station is ready for EME (single polarization, however), but I may not be able to be in the shack when the moon is up for a few days. I'll also try the SDR-IQ and see how it compares to the SDR1000.

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