Hello, All,

After getting a good 3 hours sleep the obvious hit me [and worked better to get me out of bed than the alarm clock]:

the reason for the changed behavior was that I had left a modified windef.h file from Linrad in the PATH. After removing it I am back to the previous behavior, getting the error message:

form.ui.h:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'constWCHAR*' for argument '1' to 'HINSTANCE__* LoadLibraryW<const WCHAR*>'

Again, sorry for the bandwidth, but any help is appreciated!


Roger Rehr

Quoting Roger Rehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello, All,

This is somewhat off topic, but not really as I am trying to make an
external program to control my SM5BSZ WSE boxes in windows XP64.  They
are nicely controlled via Linrad running under Windows XP64, but I am
having trouble compiling and linking the windows version of QT3 to get
my separate controller running.

QT3-designer compiles and runs, and my wsecontrol application compiles
fine until I try to add the inpout32.dll to it.  When I add the lines:

HINSTANCE h_inpout;
h_inpout =    LoadLibrary("C:\inpout32\Win32\npout32.dll");

to my progam without adding an #include <windows.h> I of course get an
error message on 'make' that LoadLibrary is undeclared.

When I added an #include <windows.h> I got for several hours today when
running 'make' or 'mingw32-make' an error that
char* could not be converted to WCHAR* in HINSTANCE.  I am not able to
take care of this by using an intermediate variable, nor by attempting
a static_cast or dynamic_cast.

Roger Rehr

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