Hi Roger,

> I had a similar problem to what you describe in August when I installed 
> a new version of Ubuntu.  THings had worked OK before that.  Here is an 
> excerpt from an exchange RObin AA4RC and I had on the SDR-IQ list at 
> that time.  It is structured with earliest text at the bottom, newest 
> at the top.  Let me know if you need more info:
> ******start excerpted text******
> I should have noted in the email I just posted that I added the line
> rmmod ftdi_sio
> to the beginning of Leif's file /etc/linrad/usb_sdr14
> so that the ftdi_sio driver is automatically removed each time Ubuntu reboots.

Seems to be a good idea:-) Starting with Linrad-02.30 
usb_sdr14 will begin like this:

start() {
    echo $"Unloading the ftdi_sio module (if present): "
    rmmod ftdi_sio
    echo $"Loading the ft245 driver: "


Leif / SM5BSZ

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