Hi Leif,

Thanks very much for the new calibration and automatic spur removal functions. Fantastic!

There is now a new page about calibration in Linrad:

The links to the data files (blinkerinitx.xxx) are broken (but I found them anyway :-)). One small issue, in windows, adfile is selected instead of adfile.txt (assuming both are present).

I have not had much feed-back on whether the changes in users.c
and users_tr.c have caused problems or if there have been other

I have not tried the transmit function, but have noticed no problems in other functions so far.

I have Linrad and MAP65 running on the same computer under windows. I am using windows remote connect on a second comuter to display and control MAP65 as it runs on the first computer. Amazing combination. I can now copy signals that were buried under local noise before. Now to get the transmit side working and make some EME contacts!

I am still looking for "interesting" interference situations.
You may have seen "Reserved for blanker" in the baseband graph.
This is a routine that should help against lightening crashes
on HF bands and perhaps in other situations where interference
pulses are not local and therefore suffer from multi-path

Is there NOBODY on this list who ever tries to copy a signal but
has big difficulties due to interference of some kind (or in SSB
has a too low S/N) ???
I am very interested in recordings of marginal "copy" or "no copy"
in CW or SSB. Maybe DSP could improve :-)

I'll try and find some files for you to work on. I'm pretty sure various low banders have samples out on the web of signals fading in and out of the noise (complete with static crashes, powerline noise, electric fences, plasma TV buzz, ethernet birdies, etc.). I'll make a recording of my 144 MHz environment that will be a real challenge!

Another one of my interests is low band (160/80 meters) where my noise level is very high. I have been thinking about installing a 4 square receive antenna system similar to the DX Engineering system ( http://www.dxengineering.com/ ) or perhaps the 2 antenna version with the NCC-1 noise cancelling unit. It seems to me that the primary functions of these units (controlling the position of the main lobe of the 4 square and/or noise cancelling) would be better accomplished in DSP (certainly cheaper). I was thinking about using four 160/80 meter softrocks (one for each antenna with common sampling clock) and feeding the I/Q output of each softrock into one channel of a D44 sampling at 96KHz. That (I think) would result in ~48 KHz sampled bandwidth (which may not be wide enough for very effective noise blanking) and the softrocks probably aren't the best frontends, but it would be a very interesting (cheap) experiment. Are these functions (antenna beam forming and noise cancelling) something Linrad could accommodate? :-)

Thanks again


joe n6kk

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