Hi Richard,

> Leif if you could let me know if there are any major new features with
> Linrad ?

New in relation to what?
On your site I find:

very powerful application for very weak signal use.
Needs a intuitive GUI V Good , but diificult to use

No features are mentioned, so in relation to this all
would be new;-)

First of all, Linrad is different from most other 
softwares in that it does not make many assumptions 
about what the user wants to do or what kind of hardware
he wants to use. This is why Linrad looks so difficult to

On the other hand, for someone using "standard hardware"
it is possible to download a complete setup in which
everything is configures for some particular usage.
Here are a few examples:

The main features:

1) One or two RF channels (For X-pol or electronic 
antenna beam forming) Linrad will optimise for best
S/N automatically on a single signal in random noise.
Manual control for other situations.

2) Input from soundcard, SDFR-14, SDR-IQ, network or
disk file.

3) Output of processed signal to soundcard or .wav file
plus Wideband data to disk file or network.

4) Calibration to provide a flat frequency response to
within 0.1 dB or better. This allows signals with (S+N)/N
well below 0.1 dB to be seen on the waterfall over a very
wide frequency range with very long averaging times since
the entire colour scale does not have to be wider than 0.1 dB.

5) Advanced noise blanker. 

6) Spur removal. Thousands of very narrow notches can be 
applied to suppress frequency-stable carriers.  

7) Advanced AFC allows usage of narrow bandwidths on
extremely weak and unstable CW signals.

8) Coherent processing for the baseband. For CW and AM
(and possibly NBFM) there is a carrier that Linrad 
recovers and then uses to get a reference phase. Several
ways of processing possible to take advantage of our
two ears.

9) Audio expander, amplitude limiter selectable in Hilbert
space or directly on the real-valued signal. 

10) AGC selectable attack and release times, insensitive to
gigant QRN pulses.

The programs MAP65 by K1JT and watzo by myself can use the
network wideband output from Linrad for their tasks.
Linrad is very easy to compile from source code under both
Linux and Windows and the user can add his own routines
to control his own hardware. Sample routines for IC-275,
IC-706, FT-1000, FT-736, TS-850 and TS-2000 are supplied in
the source code package.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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