> I've got a 3390 disk with the RH 7.2 ramdisk on it and I've run ZIPL and
> can IPL it ok (and telnet to it OK).
> Now I've created a partition on that same disk and I want to download the
> GA 7.2   /s390/RPMS to it and install RH 7.2  from that same disk
> Will rhsetup let me do this??
> I've mounted the partition to /mnt and can ftp files into it...but I can't
> seem to get rhsetup to use it for install.
> If this is workable, what is the correct RPMSERVER field to supply when
> I run throught rhsetup ??
> If not...will another install method work and let me do this??

on IA32 one puts the ISO images there, at least for 7.1 - I think it
may have changed for 7.2

What does your install guide say?

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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