"David Boyes" wrote:
> All this discussion about line editors made me think a bit of the one editor
> that Linux doesn't have that should be there: TECO.

Ah, but it does!  ;-)

Check out http://www.funet.fi/pub/unix/editors/teco/

They are not the "real thing", though, but re-implementations in C,
and they generally need a wee bit of tweaking to get them to
compile on Linux.

I got TECO-C working here, but I can't verify that it is fully
working as it should.
"        TECO-C is meant to be a complete implementation of TECO as defined
 by the Standard TECO User's Guide,  which is in file TECO.DOC.  There is no
 manual for TECO-C itself,  but the Standard TECO manual was the specification
 for TECO-C,  so it serves as an excellent manual."

The ptf-teco that I saw Adam mention is an updated version of
the uteco you find at funet.fi.  Uteco was last updated in 1989,
ptf-teco was last updated in 1995, and TECO-C was last updated
in 1991.
Any other versions around?

     Willem Konynenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas
that could provoke such a question  --  Charles Babbage

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