
We are currently attempting to bring up SuSE on our system
for evaluation, and we're having some problems. We have two
OSA/SF Gigabit cards available that are in test at this time.
We have started testing with them thru OS/390 V2R9. We have them
communicating with Communications Server V2R8 without problem.

1) When we first brought up Suse from our HCD we found we could not
   connect to the OSA facility. We had to take one of the OSA channels
   offline to the two test MVS systems before we could get the Suse
   to connect to it at all. Are there issues with the sharing of the
   OSA/SF QDIO managed resources between OS/390 and SuSE?

2) We have all of our current Gigabit network on subnet.
   We can ping the default gateway, and the assigned host
   address, but nothing else. I set the subnet mask to,
   and the BROADCAST to Your guidance would be greatly

Thanks for your advice.

Gerald Benton

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