As with most 'guestimates' of how many or how fast, the application mix has
alot to do with this.  The problem with the 2003 is that it does not have the
floating point microcode feature, which greatly reduces your options.

You will have the most luck with open source applications like Samba, DNS,
Sendmail, Apache and I;m sure some others.  DB2 Connect will be slow, but
will work and might be acceptable.  DB2 UDB will certainly not perform very
well.  Stay away from anything that smells like Java, because from first hand
experience I can tell you that you WILL be disappointed.

On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:20 pm, you wrote:
> Anyone has ideia about how many linux images I can run using the
> following configuration:
> Hardware: IBM 2003-225 with 1GB central storage + IBM 9394-002 with
> 256MB cache and escon channels with 9395-b23 formated in 3390-3.
> Software: VM/ESA 2.4.0 RSU 0101
>                  SuSE linux S/390.
> Just an ideia about performance.
> Thanks in advance

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

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