> > Can anybody advise me on defining virtual CPUs for use by
> > a 2.2.16 level Linux kernel? Does it buy me anything to give
> > a Linux image more than one (virtual) CPU, or should I just
> > give each image one and let CP do the multiprocessing? TIA.
> I don't think it buys you anything
> other than to exercise the kernel's MP support
> (or circumvent the CPU cap that your VM admin imposed!).
> In fact ... with the 2.2.16 kernel,  I've seen some
> ... "weird" stuff with MP.   Specifically,  the 2.2.x kernel
> reputedly does not scale well past 4 processors.

If you get more than one real CPU, I'd expect many things, some not so
obvious, to go faster simply because you get parallel processing.

Whether its useful in your environment is something you won't really
know until you try it.

Reports I have seen about 2.2 not scaling well pertained to IA32 and
the way Intel handles cache. Whether S/390 has similar woes I don't

John Summerfield

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