On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Phil Payne wrote:

> > Looks like 64 bit SuSE is already support, is that GA yet?

> (Love to know what the delay has been.  It was demonstrated at CeBIT _LAST_ year.)
The Distributors. There is no 64 Bit GA Distribution till now.
You need a GA Distribution to run a mySAP.com

The whole mySAP.com pilot and CA-Phase run on our ThinkBlue/64 7.1
distribution available from http://linux.zseries.org/
This Distribution is based on RedHat 7.1.

 Oliver Paukstadt
Oliver Paukstadt                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mi||enux                                        fon:     0700 Millenux
Lilienthalstrasse 2                             fon: +49 711 88770-300
70825 Stuttgart-Korntal, Germany                fax: +49 711 88770-349
          Linux without limits: http://linux.zSeries.org/

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