How about Mod_Rexx!!!.
It fits neatly with apache.
You can even do your server side stuff with Rexx.

David Ashley of IBM Global Services is the major architect of this piece.
I attended one of his presentations at a LUG in Dallas.

You could download the package from and
build it easily.

Samy Rengasamy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Poole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: REXX for Linux?

Also, have a look at NetRexx to see if it fits:

Barr Bill P wrote:

> > I'm trying to find if there is REXX for Linux available.
> >Yes, I know I should learn Perl.  However, Linux is giving me a much
> >higher learning curve than anything had in the last 15 years.  So, since
> Save yourself some pain and give Python a try.
> It has the same regular expression support as perl does, plus you can run
> python programs in a Java virtual machine using Jython.

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