On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:20:25 +0200, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>At 23:04 02-04-02, Alan Cox wrote:
>>For example I contributed -1000 lines (note the minus) to the aacraid driver.
>Oh dear! Where did those 1000 lines go? Do we now have somewhere
>the extra 1000 lines of code that probably have little function?
>Should you not 'comment out' those lines instead?  <g>

I remember a manager at IBM Research who had an intern working for
her. He was working on a GML rendering program for PC and was
regularly recording 500-1000 decrease in total LOCs per week. All this
while implementing new functions as asked. She loved the result but
hated that her code productivity metrics were being turned upside


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