I am looking for input on what people are using for job/event scheduling on their linux images.
I am looking for something fairly robust which can handle event chaining. (run scriptc only if scriptsa and b worked) And event/time based triggers (run scriptd every day at 5, or run scripte only when filex appears). It should be centrally managed, with redundancy (i.e. ServerA inititates all jobs on all my various linux images) but ServerB could take over if ServerA took a header. Ideally it would have some type of api so I could have external applications (i.e. from a web application or my OS/390 lpar) come across and insert things into the schedule if needed. If it had a windows interface that could reach out and do things to the NT servers that would also be cool. Oh and of course it would need to be open source gnu licensed, well documented, and cost nothing : ) Well, ok, I probably won't get the last one but I can hope can't I.. Thank you in advance for any suggestions. Jeremy