This assumes that every Linux image is going to be using the same disk,
does it not?

|         |           Barton Robinson        |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           FTWARE.COM>            |
|         |           Sent by: Linux on 390  |
|         |           Port                   |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           U>                     |
|         |                                  |
|         |                                  |
|         |           04/25/2002 09:48 AM    |
|         |           Please respond to Linux|
|         |           on 390 Port            |
|         |                                  |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Re: LinuxWorld Article series                                      

The author is correct. This has NOT been addressed for Linux
on zSeries.

>From:         Werner Puschitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Is the author right on this:
>"Linux memory management assumes control of a machine and so grabs up
>free memory for use in I/O buffering. Having multiple Linux instances do
>this to independently buffer I/O to the same files resident on a shared
>mini-disk not only wastes memory, but dramatically increases the paging
>Or has this already been addressed for Linux on zSeries?

"If you can't measure it, I'm Just NOT interested!"(tm)

Barton Robinson - CBW     Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Velocity Software, Inc    Mailing Address:
 196-D Castro Street       P.O. Box 390640
 Mountain View, CA 94041   Mountain View, CA 94039-0640

VM Performance Hotline:   650-964-8867
Fax: 650-964-9012         Web Page:  WWW.VELOCITY-SOFTWARE.COM

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