On Mon, 6 May 2002, Mike Spaniol wrote:

> I'm trying to install the openssh package on my linux guest machine.
> When I run the rpm command to install the package, it looks to me as
> though it works, but I can't find that it installed anything.
> Here's a ls command of everything in my directory where I stored
> the openssh package I downloaded.
> [root@linuxtst openssh]# ls -l
> total 824
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root       838269 Apr 15 17:21 openssh-3.1p1-1.src.rpm
> Here's the response I get from my rpm command.
> [root@linuxtst openssh]# rpm -ivh openssh-3.1p1-1.src.rpm
> openssh                     ##################################################
> [root@linuxtst openssh]#
> Is there a log somewhere I can look in to see what's not happening?  What
> should I try next?
> Thanks for your help.

I've seen you've been able to install it using the tar files that were
contained in the source rpm.

This isn't the prefered way of installing new software on a rpm based
distribution. Using the tar/make/make install method doesn't take
advantage of the rpm's dependencies, easu upgrade/remove,... It also
doesn't register openssh as installed (for rpm ofcourse) which means other
rpms that have openssh as a prereq will fail, even if it is installed.

How to install a src rpm the rpm way. Well you first do

        rpm --rebuild xxx.src.rpm

This will build a binary rpm for your system (eg xxx.s390.rpm) and put in
into RPMS/s390 directory of the rpm base directory (/usr/src/redhat for RH
or /usr/src/packages fo SuSE).

Then you can install that with the normal rpm -ivh or -Uvh.

Also a good place to look for binary rpms is www.rpmfind.net and it


Tim Verhoeven
                                Linux & Open Source Specialist
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