That was a good article that compared an iMac 800 MHZ computer to a Intel
2.x GHZ PC. It's not the size/speed of your tool it's how you use it.

Larry Davis,                  \|/
Nielsen Media Research       (. .)
VM Systems Programmer  ___ooO-(_)-Ooo___

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Altmark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 15:44
Subject: processor speed redux

I don't want to engender a repeat of the recent discussions about CPU
speeds, but in case anyone needs additional ammo, the July issue of
Popular Mechanics has an article on the general irrelevance of processor
speed on application performance on the PC.  It focuses instead on the
need for peripheral performance speed, and video card performance, and
emphasizes RAM as the #1 arbiter of performance.

A nice read.  (Article not in the online PMZone yet.)

Alan Altmark
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM z/VM Development

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