On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 09:50:57PM -0500, Tom Duerbusch wrote:
> 1.  How to you edit a file with a line mode terminal?  Is it available
> very early in the boot process?

Well, ed is your friend.  Or there may be wed or awk for stream edit operations.

> 2.  Is there a way of mounting Linux4 150 to another Linux image and fix
> the files from another system?

That ought to be perfectly possible.  Any disk formatted for Linux can be
attached to another Linux image and mounted there as a filesystem.

> 3.  Is there a better way of fixing this problem.  That is without
> restoring the entire Linux image, or clubbing myself in the head so I
> don't cause the problem in the first place?

In general, I do not know of any other way to solve this than the two ways you
have listed above.  Well, there is of course the possibilty to just mount all
the filesystems by hand based on what you remember to be the contents of the
/etc/fstab file (or based on whatever you feel appropriate at the time).  And
that will bring the system to a state where you should be able to start
services again and then login from somewhere so that you can use vi or any
other editor you prefer.

In all, I still prefer No. 2 and No. 1 respectively.


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