11.07.2002 03:53:02 Tom Duerbusch  wrote:

>I logon on the guest machine.
>I attach a tape drive to it as 181 (this drive is a MP3000 emulated tape
>drive.  I use this as it is easier than tieing up a real tape drive for
>I IPL 150 and bring up Linux.
>I issue: insmod tape390 tape=181
>lsmod   shows tape390 module is loaded.
>df  doesn't show anything about a tape drive.
>mount  doesn't show anything about a tape drive.

it's ok. You should see /proc/tapedevices.

>In the /dev directory, there is tap0, tap1 and tap2 files.

Don't use it. When you did insmod tape390 you get message like (in
/var/log/messages or on master console):

kernel: T390:IBM S/390 Tape Device Driver (v1.01).
ux390 kernel: T390:(C) IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, 2000
ux390 kernel: T390:character device frontend   : built in
ux390 kernel: T390:block device frontend       : built in
ux390 kernel: T390:support for 3480 compatible : built in
ux390 kernel: T390:support for 3490 compatible : built in
ux390 kernel: T390:No parameters supplied, enabling autoprobe mode for all
ux390 kernel: TCHAR:<3> tape gets major 254 for character device
ux390 kernel: TBLOCK:<3> tape gets major 254 for block device

In my case major number is 254. Can you see it?

Then, create devices .

mknod /dev/tibm0 c 254 0                 # minor numbers 0,2,4.etc for
rewinding devices.
mknod /dev/ntibm0 c 254 1                 # minor numbers 1,3,5.etc for
non-rewinding devices.

Then you can use mt, tar, dd...

WBR, Sergey

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