I beleive it says F4 is for mount point, but if it does not do anything try
just the number 4 key.
Sometimes F4 and 4 key both works, sometimes the number key only works.
This holds true for all the functions.

                      "Nix, Robert P."
                      <Nix.Robert@mayo.        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      edu>                     cc:
                      Sent by: Linux on        Subject:  Installing Suse Linux and 
stuck at Creating Filesystems...
                      390 Port
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      07/24/02 11:59 AM
                      Please respond to
                      Linux on 390 Port

I'm running YaST to install the Suse distribution of Linux/390. I've gotten
to the screen titled "Creating Filesystems". It lists several F-key choices
at the bottom, but only F6=Format works. Everything else says that I'll
lose changes if I exit now. I didn't want to exit; I wanted to set the
mount point. I'd be satisfied if any of the buttons would work, actually.

It won't let me continue because I have nothing defined as root, but I
can't define anything as root because the keys don't work... Where do I go
from here, other than to one of the support systems?

Robert P. Nix                            internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mayo Clinic                                  phone: 507-284-0844
200 1st St. SW                             page: 507-255-3450
Rochester, MN 55905
"In theory, theory and practice are the same,
 but in practice, theory and practice are different."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barton Robinson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:39 PM
> Subject:      Re: Linux S/390 Monitor
> My default for 'correcting' the linux processor numbers is to
> use TOTAL CPU time used by the virtual machine, but there is an
> option if the installation wishes to use Virtual time.
> Accuracy is based on one minute granularity. Very accurate to
> show the total linux utilization, slightly less accurate when
> analyzing individual processes, maybe off by as much as a couple
> percent under some situations???  But much closer than the
> potential order of magnitude as reported by TOP and other linux
> tools....  When i used data granularities of an hour, i could
> see larger discrepancies. One minute is easy and cheap....
> >From:         Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >At 14:59 22-07-02 -0700, Barton Robinson wrote:
> >
> >>ESALPS will also provide a "multiplier" so that you can
> >>correct your accounting data.
> >
> >That's a neat trick you can do when you have both numbers
> >available, as ESALPS does. Is there any way you can guess
> >how good the corrected numbers are?
> >I suppose you correct based on consumed cycles in emulation
> >mode because Linux will see that as its 100%, but somehow
> >you also need to spread the cycles in supervisor mode over
> >that to show the real cost?
> >
> >Rob
> "If you can't measure it, I'm Just NOT interested!"(tm)
> /************************************************************/
> Barton Robinson - CBW     Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Velocity Software, Inc    Mailing Address:
>  196-D Castro Street       P.O. Box 390640
>  Mountain View, CA 94041   Mountain View, CA 94039-0640
> VM Performance Hotline:   650-964-8867
> Fax: 650-964-9012         Web Page:  WWW.VELOCITY-SOFTWARE.COM
> /************************************************************/

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