It depends. With Linux it depends even more.

Remember that scaling involves both a software and a hardware MP factor.
On zSeries, we have some advantages from the hardware implementation.
There are some workloads that scale very well on Linux for zSeries.
Klaus Bergmann did a presentation at the last SHARE that gave some
examples of excellent scaling on a 16-way. Of course I'm sure that's
not the case for all workloads. :-)

As for scaling with virtual MP support. There is a small bump/cost in
VM overhead in going from a virtual 1-way to a virtual n-way. However,
after that the overhead is basically linear up to the maximum of 64
for a given virtual machine (though defining more virtual processors
than real processors will not be of any benefit and may just add

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott 607-752-6022
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