On Tuesday 30 July 2002 02:08 pm, Rengasamy, Samy wrote:
> That never worked on SuSE 2.2.16.  There seems to be some sort of problem
> with the PHP library.  At one point I believe I compiled PHP4 from source,
> and it worked, but I can't be sure of that now.

I have had PHP 4.1 working on SuSE 2.2.16, though I did not test it extensively
nor use it in production. The current version is 4.2.2, though, and you should
make sure to get that and not 4.2.1 or 4.2.0 because of a security exposure.
My kernel has since been upgraded and the only place I have a 2.2.16 kernel
now is under Hercules, and it's the Marist kernel.

My PHP compile was from source, after installing Apache. Make sure you use the
option --with-apxs=...path_to_apxs_in_apache... and not --with-apache, if you
want PHP to be a module. I have also found a bug in the "make install" of
newer PHP, where sometimes (for no obvious reason) it fails to copy the
PHP modules from <php_source_directory>/.libs to the correct Apache directory.
Contact me offline if that is happening to you and I'll send you more details.

Generally speaking, I prefer to compile MySQL, Apache, and PHP from source
rather than to use binaries because my web sites use features that are not
in the typical binaries of PHP that come with most distros. So my "build from
source" was done by choice, not out of desperation. I never tried the binary
PHP release at all on S/390.


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://4th.com/        | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)
                       | PGP Public Key at http://4th.com/keys/courtney.pubkey

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