
When you defined lvol00, did you make it a striped volume?  That can cause
the problem you're seeing.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Scully, William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:57 PM
Subject: Adding Space to LVM

I'm attempting to add more space to an existing LVM.  I've tried to follow
the documentation shown at
http://www.sistina.com/lvm_howtos/lvm_howto/Common_tasks.html and (loosely)
but I'm having trouble getting lvextend to work.  If anyone has succeeded in
accomplishing this themselves, would you review my actions and see if I've
missed a step?  (This is Suse kernel 2.4.7.)

usilfs13:~ # pvcreate /dev/dasdbn1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/dasdbn1" successfully created
usilfs13:~ # pvcreate /dev/dasdbq1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/dasdbq1" successfully created
usilfs13:~ # pvcreate /dev/dasdbr1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/dasdbr1" successfully created
usilfs13:~ # pvcreate /dev/dasdbs1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/dasdbs1" successfully created
usilfs13:~ # pvcreate /dev/dasdbt1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/dasdbt1" successfully created

usilfs13:~ # vgextend vg00 /dev/dasdbn1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vg00"
vgextend -- volume group "vg00" successfully extended
usilfs13:~ # vgextend vg00 /dev/dasdbq1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vg00"
vgextend -- volume group "vg00" successfully extended
usilfs13:~ # vgextend vg00 /dev/dasdbr1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vg00"
vgextend -- volume group "vg00" successfully extended
usilfs13:~ # vgextend vg00 /dev/dasdbs1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vg00"
vgextend -- volume group "vg00" successfully extended
usilfs13:~ # vgextend vg00 /dev/dasdbt1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vg00"
vgextend -- volume group "vg00" successfully extended

usilfs13:~ # vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
VG Name               vg00
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             available/resizable
VG #                  0
MAX LV                256
Cur LV                1
Open LV               1
MAX LV Size           255.99 GB
Max PV                256
Cur PV                25
Act PV                25
VG Size               57.23 GB
PE Size               4 MB
Total PE              14650
Alloc PE / Size       11520 / 45 GB
Free  PE / Size       3130 / 12.23 GB
VG UUID               nhtnMW-uFA5-zlOY-YT0V-fKGY-nA3F-4p4XI0
--- Volume group ---
VG Name               vg01
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             available/resizable
VG #                  1
MAX LV                256
Cur LV                1
Open LV               1
MAX LV Size           255.99 GB
Max PV                256
Cur PV                18
Act PV                18
VG Size               41.2 GB
PE Size               4 MB
Total PE              10548
Alloc PE / Size       10512 / 41.06 GB
Free  PE / Size       36 / 144 MB
VG UUID               vI6bsu-CDAh-lyf9-EImy-rgwh-tWKn-XJwSvO

usilfs13:~ # pvdisplay /dev/dasdbn1
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/dasdbn1
VG Name               vg00
PV Size               2.29 GB / NOT usable 3.02 MB  LVM: 232 KBY
PV#                   21
PV Status             available
Allocatable           yes
Cur LV                0
PE Size (KByte)       4096
Total PE              586
Free PE               586
Allocated PE          0
PV UUID               QMbTN4-0ktn-rJeG-zyQu-6EEo-H3YH-9AG8k1
usilfs13:~ #

usilfs13:~ # pvscan
pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbn1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 2.29 GB free
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbq1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 2.29 GB free
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbr1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 2.29 GB free
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbs1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 2.29 GB free
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbt1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 2.29 GB free
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdc1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdd1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasde1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdf1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdg1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdh1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdi1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdj1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdq1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdr1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasds1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdt1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdu1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdv1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdw1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdx1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdy1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdz1"  of VG "vg01"  2.29 GB / 8 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdag1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdah1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdai1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdaj1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdak1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdal1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdam1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdan1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdao1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdap1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdaw1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdax1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasday1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdaz1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdba1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbb1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbc1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbd1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbe1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/dasdbf1" of VG "vg00"  2.29 GB / 40 MB freeY
pvscan -- total: 43  98.56 GBY / in use: 43  98.56 GBY / in no VG: 0  0Y

usilfs13:~ # umount /dev/vg00/lvol00

usilfs13:~ # e2fsadm /dev/vg00/lvol00 -L+10G
e2fsck 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/vg00/lvol00: 712/5898240 files (17.7% non-contiguous), 10808874/1179
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol00" to 55 GB
lvextend -- not enough free/allocatable physical extents to extend logica
e "/dev/vg00/lvol00"

usilfs13:~ # lvextend -L +2G /dev/vg00/lvol00 /dev/dasdbn1
lvextend -- rounding size 49283072 KB to stripe boundary size 49315840 KB
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol00" to 47.03 GB
lvextend -- not enough free/allocatable physical extents to extend logica
e "/dev/vg00/lvol00"

usilfs13:~ # resize2fs /dev/vg00/lvol00
resize2fs 1.19 (13-Jul-2000)
The filesystem is already 11796480 blocks long.  Nothing to do!

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