This got me to thinking (Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!)
We are getting a z/800 2066-0A2 with an OSA card + 1 IFL and z/VM. I wonder
if it would be more efficient to allow a Linux/390 image to "own" the OSA
card and act as a gateway for the OS/390 images. It would connect to all
other images, Linux and OS/390, via hipersockets. That is all that this
Linux system would do. I'm looking at way to "offload" OS/390 work onto a
Linux image. So, is there less CPU overhead by using hipersockets than using
the OSA card directly? Or would it be a "wash" since they are both QDIO

I image either would be superior, in terms of CPU overhead, to using our
Cisco 75xx with a CIP card since the Cisco requires "standard" I/O. We won't
replace the Cisco, because we use it along with Rumba to do all the 3270
emulation. I don't want to use TN3270 emulation on the CPU itself.

John McKown
Senior Technical Specialist
UICI Insurance Center
Applications & Solutions Team

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Kliner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 12:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Hiper Socket
> Have you seen the zSeries HiperSockets Redbook?
> Mark Kliner
> Systems Programmer
> Vision Service Plan
> Rancho Cordova, CA

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