Rick Troth wrote:
> A good friend
> from a community shared by many on this list
> often signs his e-mail  "WIRDI",  whatever is right,  do it.
> I'm trying to get a handle on the /lib and /lib64 mess.
> At first,  I was put off by SuSE's use of /lib64,  but it may be
> "the right thing".   What do y'all think?   What precedent is there?
> (IS there precedent?)
> Clearly,  having both /lib for 31-bit and /lib64 for 64-bit
> facilitates the kernels ability to run either 31-bit or 64-bit
> executables.   Having just one /lib would make that more difficult.
> But mixed-mode workloads alone would not seem to justify
> branching the standard directory suite in such a way.
> Is there something more?

I would preferably be looking for an appropriate standard,
rather than merely "precedent", for something like this.
And fortunately, there is: The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,
version 2.2, mentions a /lib<qual> for "alternate libraries",
and in a footnote explicitly mentions that this is commonly
used for 64-bit or 32-bit support on systems which support
both, in the form of a /lib32 and a /lib64 directory, and
a /lib symlink to one of them.

Note that the LSB refers to FHS 2.2 for matters concerning
the file system hierarchy.

     Willem Konynenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Konynenberg Software Engineering

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