You might try LINUXVM.COM (not to be confused with LINUXVM.ORG
even though they run on exactly the same webserver, which
runs on exactly the same webserver as VelocitySoftware.COM
as well just to confuse things).

LINUXVM.COM is where I put hints/tips when I get around to it.
Big hint: If you can't measure it, I'm just not interested.
as in, if you have a performance problem and no tools, just
what are you going to do???  See VelocitySoftware.COM for

>From:         Chris Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Any links for tuning vm and linux for specific workloads?

"If you can't measure it, I'm Just NOT interested!"(tm)

Barton Robinson - CBW     Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Velocity Software, Inc    Mailing Address:
 196-D Castro Street       P.O. Box 390640
 Mountain View, CA 94041   Mountain View, CA 94039-0640

VM Performance Hotline:   650-964-8867
Fax: 650-964-9012         Web Page:  WWW.VELOCITY-SOFTWARE.COM

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