I just discovered that the files I downloaded were not in gzip format,
which explains why the filesizes don't match the web page:

44709071a7feb37888304b9163b77e37  lnx390_db_9201_Disk1.cpio.gz
9a309ad1c2f007e7c2eb0cb96d74c5fc  lnx390_db_9201_Disk2.cpio.gz

This was quickly remedied, as they were in cpio format:

> mv lnx390_db_9201_Disk1.cpio.gz lnx390_db_9201_Disk1.cpio
> mv lnx390_db_9201_Disk2.cpio.gz lnx390_db_9201_Disk2.cpio

They "installed" OK:

> cpio -idcmv < lnx390_db_9201_Disk1.cpio
> cpio -idcmv < lnx390_db_9201_Disk2.cpio

> ls -l
drwxr-xr-x    6 2840     562          4096 Aug 26 15:02 Disk1
drwxr-xr-x    3 2840     562          4096 Aug 23 04:49 Disk2

> du
609196  ./Disk1
617824  ./Disk2

BTW, I downloaded with W2Ksp3/IE6.  YMMV.

Jim Rich

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