On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 01:52:10PM +0400, Geoff McKee - PM(OS) wrote:

> This worked fine too and a kernel was found (no need to specify the
> full path to its location on the CD) and installed.

Ok, great!

> I am using an OSA-2 adaptor as eth0 on my built system and it is not
> recognized at boot time.

Could you check if there's an alias for eth0 in /etc/modutils/arch/s390?
If so, please remove this line and check that there's the correct line

alias eth0 lcs

in /etc/modutils/lcs. Then run update-modules as root and it should work
in the next reboot.

> I need to manually do "insmod lcs" then wait for a few seconds before
> issuing "ifconfig eth0..." and "route add default gw."

You can also use "ifup eth0" instead of the ifconfig and route commands
if the eth0 configuration in /etc/network/interfaces is correct.

BTW, some people are having problems with the MTU sizes on Ethernet,
especially on a MP 3000. If you need to change your MTU size to e.g. 1492
you can do so easily in /etc/network/interfaces like this:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        up ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492

Stefan Gybas

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