try looking at either "IPCHAINS" or "IPTABLES" for Linux. They might do what
your client needs and they are open source.

Good luck.

Dave Jones
Sine Nomine Associates
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: "David J. Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: Firewall for zSeries Linux?

> I tried to search the archives and was unable to get in and I need the
> information as soon as I can find it so I'm going to ask here and beg
> your indulgence :-)  I am going to use words I don't understand, so
> please try to read into my question if it doesn't make sense :-) :-)
> A customer has the SuSE distribution but feels that the default firewall
> doesn't have as many features as they want.  It seems to only do network
> address translation and they are also looking for packet filtering.  Is
> there a commercial firewall program available for Linux for zSeries?
> Is there anything else you can tell me?  I tried searching linuxvm.org
> but couldn't find what I was looking for.
> Thanks very much!
> David
> --   David J. Chase, zSeries Techline, New York City     --
> --    IBM - 7th Fl, 590 Madison Ave, NYC, NY  10022      --
> --              212-745-3890 (tieline 243)               --

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