As root, issue   pvscan   to see physcial volumes and what groups they are
vgscan shows active volume groups
lvscan shows active logical volumes

Betsie Spann
VM Systems Programmer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert J Brenneman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Logical Volumes

> vgdisplay -v <vgname>
> Jay Brenneman
>                       "Wolfe, Gordon W"
>                       <gordon.w.wolfe@b        To:
>             >               cc:
>                       Sent by: Linux on        Subject:  Logical Volumes
>                       390 Port
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       IST.EDU>
>                       10/24/2002 03:25
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       Linux on 390 Port
> Is there a quick command in Linux to display all physical volumes that are
> in a volume group?
> I can do a "pvdisplay /dev/dasdc1" and it will tell me what volume group
> dasdc1 is in, but aside from doing that command for all volumes (or going
> through the menus in yast), can I tell what volumes are in a volume group?
> "If Paradise Lost had been written by a system administrator, it would
> have had the sequel 'Paradise Restored from Backup'."
> Gordon Wolfe, Ph. D.   (425)865-5940
> VM Technical Services, The Boeing Company

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