We're just getting started with a pilot project, got the SuSE trial deal
and CDs and have managed to get one guest Linux image IPLed under VM.
We're trying to apply the patches from the patches CD SuSE sent, so I
uploaded the files to a directory on the Linux machine.  However when we
try to point to that directory in YaST2, we get "Could not find SuSE
installation directory."  The files are in /mnt/patches/SuSE and we've
tried pointing YaST2 to both /mnt/patches and /mnt/patches/SuSE and a few
other combinations to no avail.

If anybody has any suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.  A co-worker
is waiting a call back from SuSE support, so the race is on to see which
venue can provide assitance first.  :)


Scott Chapman
American Electric Power

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