I'm not bashful, and you probably know some already. Red Hat 7.3 on my desktop. Red Hat 8.0 on my other desktop. Clark Connect 1.0 (basically RHL 7.2) on my office server RHL 7.3 on my other server.
I am planning on getting Hercules up again, and maybe run RHL 7.1 (64-bit) on it. I did try SuSE one time, but there was an error in my CD and I never repaired it. I did give Debian 3.0 a fly (KDE desktop) but the 'puter had to be redeployed. Don't like the installer, but may give it a go for serving. -- Cheers John. Please, no off-list mail. You will fall foul of my spam treatment. Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at http://mail.computerdatasafe.com.au/mailman/listinfo/lssb