In regards to the problem I was having defining a interface device, we
found that the device 11F6 was the culprit. For reasons presently
unknown, this device would not work. After switching to 3 new devices,
eth0 came up fine. Thanks to everyone for your help.

Michael Lambert

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 15:44, Michael Lambert wrote:
> Mark,
> I'm using the OCO modules that IBM supplied with their patches for this
> kernel level.
> I got the number "4.28" as microcode level from the processor code level
> entry from an OSA query. I can't find a comparable level to yours in
> dmesg...
> Michael Lambert
> From:         Mark Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      Re: Qeth Problems
> In-Reply-To:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Michael,
> maybe someone else knows better, but the RedHat OCOs don't go as far as
> 2.4.17 only 2.4.9-38, the SuSE OCOs go as high as 2.4.19?
> Even though you have upgraded your Kernel from 2.4.9 to 2.4.17 will the
> OCOs
> still work?
> Forgive me here, I use SuSE ;-)
> Also you mention microcode of 4.28 - I'm running on a z900 and dmesg
> shows
> microcode of 323 when the QETH starts up.
> Ciao
> Mark

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