On November 4th, IBM released a draft of a new Redbook. The abstract page states:
This IBM Redbook describes experiences gained while installing and testing Oracle9i for Linux on zSeries, such as: -Setting up the development systems at Oracle for the Linux on zSeries environment -Installing the Oracle9i instances for Linux/390 on zSeries -Performing basic monitoring and tuning exercises. The book is based on real-world experiences gained by team members and technical professionals during development and early testing of this product at: -The IBM Oracle EMEA Joint Solution Center, Montpellier, France -The IBM Oracle International Competency Center, San Mateo, California -Early customer installations -Development systems at Oracle in Redwood Shores, California. This redbook will be of use to those customers who are using Oracle9i for Linux/390 on zSeries for the first time. http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedpieceAbstracts/sg246552.html Mark Post