Hit 0 for PF10.

Scott Chapman

                    Werner Kuehnel
                    <werner.kuehnel@mann       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    heimer.de>                 cc:
                    Sent by: Linux on          Subject:     Function Keys
                    390 Port
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    11/18/02 08:49 AM
                    Please respond to
                    Linux on 390 Port

I'm currently installing again SLES for S/390. For opening a session to
use Hummingbird Exceed Hostexplorer (i.e. telnet with VT220).
Unfortunately my function keys do not work, just PF1-PF4 are acting as
There is a keyboard mapping display to define specific actions/keys to the
but I couldn't find nothing that relates to PF5-PF12.
So I'm currently stuck at the point where I can start the FTP from YaST,
but it
requires a PF10 key.
Any help is very appreciated,

Werner Kuehnel
IMD GmbH (Mannheimer Versicherung)
Mannheim - Germany

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