Which is why I would _not_ recommend cross compiling for the majority of
people who want to do compiles on an x86 system.  Running Hercules would be
a much better choice for them.  If people who have been working with Linux
for quite a while have problems with it, it's not a good choice for the
general systems programmer.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrich Weigand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: Linux compiles

Mark Post wrote:

>The differences in question were discovered trying to compile SAPDB.  I
>into things that needed correction that someone else did not.  I was
>compiling on Linux/390, and they were cross compiling on Intel Linux.

I would assume this to be differences in include files, not the compiler.
You need to make sure the cross-compile uses the target versions of all
required (system and non-system) include files, and does not fall back
to using any host include file.  (If any file from /usr/include gets
pulled in, this is most likely a bug.)

Also, sometimes the configure/make scripts are not 100% cross-compile
ready, and make some decisions depending on the host architecture which
should really depend on the target ...

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best Regards

Ulrich Weigand

  Dr. Ulrich Weigand
  Linux for S/390 Design & Development
  IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 220, 71032 Boeblingen
  Phone: +49-7031/16-3727   ---   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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