All, I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another question or two.....
This question is causing alot of confusion for us. We are getting ready to put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent applications to actually do a pilot test. When an vendor application says it is certified to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified on run on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform? For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4, etc. However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready). Will this run on Linux on the mainframe? Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that there are not enough apps available yet. Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a distribution of Linux was just that regardless of the platform, and the the application would run anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible). Can you guys shed some light? Thanks, Dave __________________________________________________________ Dave Jousma Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology Spartan Stores, Inc. PO Box 8700 Grand Rapids, MI 49518 (616) 878-2883 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]