On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 17:03:19 +0100 Phil Payne said:
>Subject: I got unsubscribed...
>People have been unsubscribed before, for reasons that no one ever had
the guts to admit.

Not on this list.  If I do it, I'll admit to it.  Generally it is bounces
or out of office messages.  I've never done anyone for content.  I know Jay
can be a red flag for you, but please keep the topic focused on the topic
at hand.
Without wishing to sound rude, balls. Phil is correct. I had occasion to
post this to the Hercules list last year, at the time of the great 'IBM
yanked all references to Hercules from the Linux/390 Redbook' debate:

Subject: [hercules-390] Re: Posting the redbook
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 19:10:38 -0000
From: "edamjr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well that went down like a lead balloon.... twelve hours after
posting to the Linux-390 list that the missing chapter was available
here, I was unsubscribed from the list. Not at my request.

No warning, no discussion, not even the courtesy of a notification
beyong the auto-generated 'unsubscribe' message. No-one on the [Linux-390]
list knows I've been unsubscribed - there's been no 'announcement' on
anything to do with this subject -  so it hasn't been discussed
there. Presume Mark Post did the deed, since it was done from an
eds.com machine...

I know Phil has also had the same treatment from Linux-390, so on this
occasion I believe his ire is not directed at Jay.

It has happened, more than once.


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