You need to convert ReiserFS to support LFS, SLES7 shipped in compat mode,
and if you mount the fs -convert I think is the option it will become 3.6
format and work. The other option is reformat the partition you wish to
have LFS with mkreiserfs -v2 /dev/xxx I think FTP programs might have
issue with 2gig or more files BTW.



Jon R. Doyle
Sendmail Inc.
6425 Christie Ave
Emeryville, Ca. 94608

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       (/)_  (\)_  V_/_

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Dietmar Rueger wrote:

> We have:
> LINUX1 SLES7 VM 31Bit with a user filesystems LVM-Reiserfs, SAMBA up
> LINUX2 SLES7 VM 31Bit same as LINUX1
> SYSLINUX SuSE Linux 8 Intel
> WinPC workstation with WS-FTP and a file > 3 G Bytes
> In the meantime we tried this:
> 1. moved the file from WinPC to LINUX1 by using Windows Drag&Drop and Samba
> -rwxr-----    1 bxxxx    TexUser  3784691712 Feb 18 15:05 exfullbie.dmp
> drwxr-xr-x    9 bxxxx    users        1224 Feb 20 13:46 .
> -rwxr-----    1 bxxxx    TexUser  3784691712 Feb 20 13:48 exfullbie.txt
>  both big files are identical except name
> 2. accessing file by Midn Comm on LINUX1 gives
>  File 'exfullbie.dmp' exists but can not be stat-ed: Value too large for
> defined data type
> 3. tried WS-FTP to LINUX2, client said
> connecting to
> Connecting to port 36531
> STOR exfullbie.dmp
> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'exfullbie.DMP'.
> ! Send error: connection reset
> Transmitted -2147451904 bytes in 3125.7 secs, (101.56 bps), transfer failed
> 452 Error writing file: Illegal seek.
> 4. tried ftp LINUX1 to LINUX2, client said
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> ftp> bin
> 200 Type set to I.
> ftp> get /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.dmp /u1/getfullbie.dmp
> local: /u1/getfullbie.dmp remote: /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.dmp
> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||38270|)
> 550 /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.dmp: not a plain file.
> ftp> ftp> get /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.dmp /u1/getfullbie.txt
> local: /u1/getfullbie.txt remote: /home/bxxx/exfullbie.dmp
> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||38275|)
> 550 /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.dmp: not a plain file.
> ftp> get /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.txt /u1/getfullbie.txt
> local: /u1/getfullbie.txt remote: /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.txt
> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||38276|)
> 550 /home/bxxxx/exfullbie.txt: not a plain file.
> ftp>
> 5. as a reference tried WinPC command prompt ftp to SYSLINUX (Intel)
> C:\TEMP\FTP>ftp
> Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt. >> connection established
> 220 syslinux.SXX-XX FTP server (Version 6.5/OpenBSD, linux port 0.3.2)
> ready.
> Benutzer ( hebi
> 331 Password required for hebi.
> Kennwort:
> 230- Have a lot of fun...
> 230 User hebi logged in.
> ftp> put c:\temp\ftp\exfullbie.txt /tmp/exfullbie.txt
> 200 PORT command successful.
> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for '/tmp/exfullbie.txt'.
> > Netout :Verbindung wurde von Peer zurückgesetzt >> connection reset by
> peer
> 452 Error writing file: Illegal seek.
> ftp>
> Any comments ? Kernel is 2.4, glibc is 2.4
> > Date:         Sun, 16 Feb 2003 18:05:14 +0800
> < From:         John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject:      Re: LFS
> > > John,
> > >
> > > a file transfer abend into Linux/390 (ftpd) after exactly 2G bytes ...
> > > I just researched the archives using "file size limit" and found the
> > > thread covering this problem with valuable advice from your side.
> > > This seems to be an excellent start for problem determination for us.
> > > Sorry for not checking the archives carefully enough in the first place
> ...
> > If you're making progress with the problem that's good, but I'm still
> confused.
> > What gave up? The daemon on L/390, or the client?
> > I would expect the transfer to work correctly on my desktop system, files
> larger
> > than 2 Gbytes are fully supported by the combination of glibc 2.2 and
> linux 2.4.
> > Some software, and Hercules I think is an example, does not recognise
> this and
> > may work round the "problem" (as Hercules does) or fail mysteriously,
> perhaps by
> > its own checking, or by copying a 64-bit field (file size for example) to
> > 32-bits and back.
> > > > Date:    Fri, 14 Feb 2003 06:42:29 +0800
> > > > From:    John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Subject: Re: LFS
> > >
> > > >> We were hit by the 2 Gig file limit restriction when restoring an
> > >
> > > > What imposed the 2 Gig file limit?
> > >
> > >
> > > >> Oracle 9i DB export file of 3.5 Gig into an ReiserFS LVM.
> > > >> mkreiserfs with operand -v 2 created neither syntax errors
> > > >> nor any better results. How can we find out if LFS is supported
> > > >> in our system ? We use S/390 SLES7 GA 2.4.7 kernel plus
> > > >> latest updates.
> > >
> > > Dietmar Rueger
> > >
> > > NMC  Informationssysteme  GmbH
> > >
> > --
> > Cheers
> > John Summerfield
> Dietmar Rueger
> NMC  Informationssysteme  GmbH

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