n Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 03:31:09PM -0600, McKown, John wrote:
> I'm in the same situation, but I can answer some questions.
> 1) You cannot backup a LINUX disk to tape from outside of the LINUX system,
> if the disk (filesystem) is mounted in WRITE mode. This would result in a
> "fuzzy" backup since LINUX does not immediately write all disk updates to
> the filesystem. The backup would likely be no good.

"No good" is a bit harsh.

Files that are open at the time the backup is made may be corrupted.
The disk will look like it would if you yanked the plug on a running
system.  This means that an fsck will certainly be required.  It means
you *may* lose data.  It means you really shouldn't rely on this as your
DR strategy.  However, it's lots better than nothing.

There are products which do a nice job of file-level backup of Linux/390
systems.  Most of the commercial ones require a z/OS server, alas.
However, Amanda doesn't, although L/390 tape support is pretty


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