
Thanks for the response; the procedure reads:

mount /usr -o ro,remount

Can you explain the command "Sync;sync".  I don't find a "Sync" (capitol)


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Gordon W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: I/O Error on Readonly Filesystem

This is a well-known problem in sharing r/o disks among VM linux images.
The cure is a fairly simple one.

Go to Mark Post's Linuxvm.org site to the SHARE presentations at

and look down for the San Francisco SHARE last August.  My paper number 9341
has the answer on slide 16.  At least, it cures this exact error for us!

Hope this helps!

They say there are three signs of stress in your life.  You eat too much
junk food, you drive too fast and you veg out in front of the TV.  Who are
they kidding?  That sounds like a perfect day to me! Gordon Wolfe, Ph.D.
(425)865-5940 VM & Linux Servers and Storage, The Boeing Company

> ----------
> From:         Post, Mark K
> Reply To:     Linux on 390 Port
> Sent:         Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:18 AM
> Subject:      Re: I/O Error on Readonly Filesystem
> Hank,
> Is the owning system up and running with this file system mounted?
> Mark Post
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hank Calzaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 8:53 AM
> Subject: I/O Error on Readonly Filesystem
> Hello,
> I am sharing the "/usr" (reiserfs) filesystem across several zVM Linux
> Guests.  All Linuxes are SuSE 2.4.7.  I am seeing the following error
> messages in "/var/log/messages":
> Mar  4 07:36:02 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> 5e:09 (dasd), sector 1435352 Mar  4 07:36:07 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel:
> end_request: I/O error, dev 5e:09 (dasd), sector 1444728
> Mar  4 07:36:07 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> (dasd), sector 1434880
> Mar  4 07:36:07 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> (dasd), sector 1435352
> Mar  4 07:37:22 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> (dasd), sector 1444728
> Mar  4 07:37:22 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> (dasd), sector 1434880
> Mar  4 07:37:22 wcs-mf-winxs-db2p kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev
> (dasd), sector 1435352
> I interpret the 5e:09 as Major 94, Minor 9, which in my case is
> "/dev/dasdc1".  The contents of "/proc/dev/dasd/devices" follows:
> 0200(FBA ) at ( 94:  0) is dasda:active at blocksize: 512, 262144
> blocks, 128 MB
> 0201(ECKD) at ( 94:  4) is dasdb:active at blocksize: 4096, 504000
> blocks, 1968 MB
> 0202(ECKD) at ( 94:  8) is dasdc:active at blocksize: 4096, 256500
> blocks, 1001 MB(ro)
> 0203(ECKD) at ( 94: 12) is dasdd:active at blocksize: 4096, 95040
> blocks, 371 MB
> 0204(ECKD) at ( 94: 16) is dasde:active at blocksize: 4096, 600840
> blocks, 2347 MB
> 0205(ECKD) at ( 94: 20) is dasdf:active at blocksize: 4096, 600840
> blocks, 2347 MB
> 0206(ECKD) at ( 94: 24) is dasdg:active at blocksize: 4096, 600840
> blocks, 2347 MB
> The contents of "/etc/fstab" follows:
> /dev/dasda1     swap                      swap            defaults   0   0
> /dev/dasdb1     /                         reiserfs        defaults   1   1
> /dev/dasdc1     /usr                      reiserfs        ro         0   0
> /dev/dasdd1     /usr/local                reiserfs        defaults   1   2
> /dev/irgdatax/irv_datax /db/invret/data           ext2            defaults
> 1   2
> /dev/irglogs/irv_logs /db/invret/logs             ext2            defaults
> 1   2
> The contents of "zipl.conf" follows:
> parameters="dasd=0200,0201,0202(ro),0203-027F,0301-0303
> root=/dev/dasdb1 noinitrd"
> The VM directory MDISK entry for the owning user follows:
> MDISK 202 3390 1426 1425 LN1516 RR ALL SOME FEW
> The VM directory LINK entry for sharing users follows:
> LINK SYSSOFT2  202 202 RR
> I ran "fsck" on the filesystem, the output follows:
> wcs-mf-winxs-db2p:~ # fsck /dev/dasdc1
> Parallelizing fsck version 1.19a (13-Jul-2000)
> <-------------reiserfsck, 2001------------->
> reiserfsprogs 3.x.0k-pre8>
> Will read-only check consistency of the partition
> Will put log info to 'stdout'
> Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes):Yes
> 12799k will be used ###########
> reiserfsck --check started at Tue Mar  4 07:48:07 2003
> ###########
> Filesystem seems mounted read-only. Skipping journal replay..
> Checking S+tree..ok
> Comparing bitmaps..ok
> Checking Semantic tree...ok
> No corruptions found
> ###########
> reiserfsck finished at Tue Mar  4 07:48:24 2003
> ###########
> Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?
> Thanks,
> Hank Calzaretta
> Wallace Computer Services, Inc.

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